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Shopify Product Page

How to Make a Converting Shopify Product Page. The only guide you need to read.


April 9, 2024Author: Preslav Nikov29 min read
Build the perfect product page with this Guide.

Learning how to build the perfect product page for your e-commerce shop is essential for your success as a merchant.

Product pages are one of the most crucial steps of your store’s funnel and if they aren’t done right, they will cost you big time.

Especially on Shopify, there are new developments every year. The platform is getting more capable and allowing you even more opportunities to convert and sell more.

However, keeping track and making use of all these innovations is difficult.

That’s why this article organizes everything you need to know about Shopify product pages.

You’ll learn about sales features you can leverage, marketing techniques you can apply, and other things to consider like SEO, Analytics, and examples of successful product pages.

In this article you'll learn:

  • What is a Shopify product page?

  • What are the key elements of every Shopify Product Page?

  • The basics of setting up Shopify product pages

  • How to customize Shopify Product Pages with advanced techniques

  • Implementing marketing strategies on your product page to increase sales

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Shopify Product Pages

  • Analyzing and Improving Product Page Performance

  • Leveraging Shopify Apps for Enhanced Functionality

  • Five product page examples to get inspired from

What is a Shopify product page?

Product pages are a crucial step of your store funnel and the customer journey for your visitors.

Usually, they contain all the essential product information like titles, descriptions, images, prices, and user reviews.

All of these elements help visitors decide whether they want to buy or not.

However, a good product page is not just about informing, but about effective product presentation that entices potential customers into buying something.

When done right, a product page can drive up sales, average order value, and brand credibility.

But what are the building blocks of a good product page?

What are the 14 key elements of great Shopify product pages?

1. High-Quality Product Images

Having the right product images is essential for building trust in your potential clients.

Since they can’t physically feel your products, most clients rely on images to get a good idea about your product.

Preferably, visitors should be able to zoom in on product images.

In today’s competitive landscape, generic images from the manufacturer don’t cut it anymore.

If you aren’t able to take professional-looking photos of your products with your brand, consider hiring a photographer as an investment.

How you approach product photography should be related to how you want to present your brand. Do you want to go into a more creative or a more practical direction?

Typically, luxury brands heavily rely on presenting their products creatively. They need to create a look and sensation that feels exclusive.

They communicate this vibe everywhere in their copy, photos, and videos.

On the other hand, practical, problem-driven companies rely more on the benefits they bring and how they help you solve a problem.

They rely on directly communicating their value and how their product will make your life better.

You need to decide which approach is right for you.

2. Engaging Product Descriptions

The product description is the place where you want to paint a vivid mental picture of your product and how it’s going to fit in your customer’s life and make it better.

You can describe what the product does, what it feels like, what materials it’s made of, what technology was used to make it, and why all of that matters.

For B2C, you should lean more towards product benefits, and for a B2B audience, you should go with features first.

As for how long product descriptions should be:

  • Ensure paragraphs are a maximum of 2-3 sentences. Modern users hate reading.

  • Make sure they are properly formatted with headings and bullet points that explain each of your strong points.

  • Try to keep descriptions above the ‘add to cart’ button even shorter.

  • Ensure there is enough information, especially for items that are high-ticket or require a longer buying decision.

3. Attention-Grabbing Product Titles & Names

While product descriptions try to inform, product titles have a dual purpose - to make products discoverable but also enticing.

In copywriting, titles provide 80% of all the results. If your title fails to stop your readers, they won’t read your description either.

  • Product names are important for SEO, especially when you include keywords in them. This makes your products more discoverable on Google.

  • Descriptive product names make it easier for your clients to instantly grasp what your product is about. 

  • A/B testing product names to discover what titles resonate with your audience can help you improve conversions. 

  • Avoid technical jargon unless your target audience is strictly professional.

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4. Trust-building Customer Reviews

According to Newswire, 95% of shoppers read product reviews before purchasing a product online. Shoppers want to know what other people say about your products.

Thus, customer reviews are essential for building trust and credibility.

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Client reviews on Überlube's home page

However, don’t just go fabricating hundreds of 5-star reviews. Keep some lower-star reviews to allow for objective feedback.

Customers are getting better at recognizing fakes and it then burns your credibility. Instead, consider allowing customers to include photos and videos in their reviews. 

If you already have a considerable amount of reviews you can organize them better by:

  • Adding advanced review filters - add filters based on common concerns, things people like or dislike about your product.

  • Ask for photo and video reviews - engage your users to leave visual reviews. This is especially relevant for products like accessories or clothing.

  • Invite users via email/SMS to leave a review - consider adding an incentive for users to leave a review like $10 off their next order. This also encourages repeat purchases.

  • Add reviews to your page schema - this increases visibility in Google’s search pages.

Need professional help to set up rich snippets and page schemas? Craftberry’s got your back.

Customer reviews can be much more advanced than just a simple piece of text. They can outline benefits, and have various filters, photos, and videos.

You can also include a reviews badge next to the product title.

5. Clear Pricing and Availability Information

All of your products should have clear and understandable prices, preferably in the local currency of your visitor.

If your product has servings or doses, you can break down the price to be per dose which makes the product look cheaper.

Try to include information about your product’s availability.

Including stock availability is doubly important if you have products in different locations, as that can influence delivery methods or times.

6. Shipping & Return Information

Including shipping and return information about your products is an extra assurance for your customers that they will receive their products in a timely manner and can send them back if they aren’t happy with them.

  • You can drive conversion rates significantly up by making it clear that your return process is free and easy.

  • You can increase AOV by promising free shipping for orders above a certain amount.

  • You can increase trust by adding expected delivery dates.

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7. Sticky “Add to Cart” Button

A sticky “Add to Cart” button constantly stays at the top or bottom of the screen while shoppers scroll up and down the page.

A sticky “Add to Cart” button is a proven tactic to increase CR as it makes it easier to add products to the cart. 

8. Product Variants and Customization Options

Having product variants allows you to include different options for your product such as size, color, material, or any other specific characteristic. Shopify allows you to have up to 2000 variants for each product.

You can include different settings for all of your products including titles, descriptions, prices, delivery times, and more.

By adding product variants, you can increase customer engagement while allowing them to select the product variant that fits them best.

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Color Swatches and Product Variants based on size.

Source: Pepper's Lift Up Bra Product Page

9. Security Badges and Trust Signals

Security badges and other trust signals usually have to do with reassuring customers about the security and reliability of their transactions, the authenticity of the products, or the integrity of the merchant's operations on Shopify product pages.

There can be various badges:

  • Review badges

  • Security badges

  • Payment gateway badges

  • Data safety badges

  • Manufacturing badges & more

In our experience, security badges are more relevant when selling to older demographics and not very tech-savvy audiences.

However, you can also get creative with trust signals and employ influencers using your brand or get some press coverage for your product.

This way, you can claim that your products are used and vetted by the community.

10. Product Recommendations

Implementing product recommendations will boost your average order value.

According to the Funnel Strategist up to 30% of e-commerce revenue comes from upsells. Thus, e-commerce success isn’t about selling individual products but about enticing your customers to buy as much as possible from your store in one go.

A product recommendation section showcases similar products to the one shoppers are viewing, or products that go well in combination with it. This makes it easy for shoppers to find more products they are interested in.

Once you have an established customer base, you have multiple upselling options:

  • In-store upsells - entice customers into purchasing more through recommendations on the product page, cart page, and checkout page.

  • Pust-purchase upsells - after customers complete checkout, you can offer them another product, which if purchased gets bundled with their initial order.

11. FAQs and additional information

Depending on the nature of your product, buyers will always have different questions and objections. These questions can be product-specific or related to shipping rates, return policies, and more.

Done right, the FAQ section is a powerful copywriting tool that will address the concerns of your potential customers

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Pepper's FAQs

However, don’t stuff your FAQ with irrelevant questions. While you want to anticipate and answer the most crucial questions, you don’t want to distract your customers or raise new questions.

Answer all questions in a clear and simple fashion. Try to be as brief as possible.

12. Call to Action (CTA) Buttons

Customers should always know what is the next step in their shopping journey and how can they easily take it.

That’s where call-to-action buttons come in. They inform customers what is the next action they need to take.

Typical e-commerce CTAs include:

  • “Add to Cart”

  • “Go to checkout”

  • “Buy now”

Add to cart is the most powerful CTA on the PDP.

There isn’t a set-in-stone formula about how you should write your CTAs. However, there are several best practices that make your CTA buttons more effective. 

  • Keep CTAs short and action-oriented

  • Test out different CTAs with A/B testing 

  • Make your CTA buttons big and colorful enough to stand out

  • Include icons in the CTA so it’s more visual

13. Product bundles or multiple quantity deals

Employing bundles is a popular technique for increasing your AOV.

You can make your products even more appealing to buy now if you present them as part of an offer. This can be a discount or some form of promotion.

Once you've got an offer that customers love and converts well, it's time to start thinking about the AOV.

AOV is especially important if your product is not expensive (e.g. $20-30). If you plan on driving paid traffic and the CPA is high, you need a higher AOV.

That's where bundles and deals help to increase the AOV. Special offers are doubly effective during the holiday season and limited-time events such as Black Friday.

14. Product Subscriptions (when applicable)

Product subscriptions are a great way to encourage repeat purchases and increase the lifetime value of your customers.

With product subscriptions, you can elevate the shopping experience of your customers to the point where they get to enjoy your products repeatedly without having to go through the entire hassle of online shopping.

To get them to subscribe, you can offer them an exclusive incentive that they’ll appreciate.

When offering subscriptions you have more options for handling payments. You can:

  • Take money upfront and offer a discount

  • Offer a recurring payment monthly, weekly, or as often as necessary.

The basics of setting up Shopify product pages

In this section we’ll go over: 

  • How to add a product to Shopify? 

  • How to create compelling product descriptions and titles on Shopify?

  • What are Shopify product image size and photo guidelines?

  • How to create Shopify collections and add products to them?

  • How to use Shopify product tags and categories for better organization?

How to add a product to Shopify?

There are different ways you can upload products to Shopify. You can upload them manually, you can duplicate existing products, or bulk import products from a CSV file.

Uploading products on Shopify is easy and straightforward.

For detailed steps, see the Shopify Help center for how to upload products to Shopify.

Shopify Product Image Size and Photo Guidelines

Apart from ensuring your photos are of professional quality, there are several size guidelines you need to follow.

Shopify supports image uploads up to 4472 x 4472 pixels, with a maximum file size of 20MB.

Ensure all product images are high quality. Shopify automatically compresses them for performance.

Creating Compelling Product Descriptions and Titles on Shopify

Having compelling product descriptions and titles that clearly communicate your product’s value is essential for convincing shoppers to buy from you.

Shopify recommends the following best practices for writing:

  • Focus on your ideal customer

  • Entice customers with benefits

  • Avoid generic statements

  • Give evidence for product benefits

  • Use mini-stories to connect with customers

  • Appeal to your customers’ imagination

  • Include sensory words

  • Build trust with social proof

  • Make your description scannable

  • Set goals to measure success

When writing titles and descriptions you should make them appropriate to your target audience’s awareness level.

Consider the 5 levels of customer awareness:

  • Unaware.

  • Problem Aware.

  • Solution Aware.

  • Product Aware.

  • Most Aware.

People who have ended up on your product page are likely already aware of their problem and at least some of their potential solutions.

Thus, your job is to help them take the next step and become product-aware.

You can start with more general problem-based, and solution-based texts, and gradually move towards more technical specifications.

Naturally, the best approach will depend on your product.

Is the purchasing decision more emotional and impulsive or logical and calculated?

Your style should be aligned with your product and the expectations of your target audience.

Creating Shopify Collections and Adding Products to Them

A Shopify collection groups products into categories, making it easier for customers to browse by category.

Collections can be organized by criteria like:

  • Gender-specific clothing

  • Item types

  • Sale items

  • Size

  • Color

  • Seasonal products

Collections appear as dedicated webpages in the store, enhancing navigation and customer experience, with their layout depending on the Shopify theme used.

Collections can be either automatic or manual. See the Shopify Help Center for details on how to create Shopify collections.

Utilizing Shopify Product Tags and Metafields for Better Organization

Shopify tags are your best friend for managing your store’s content and e-commerce operations.

Apart from product tags, there are also tags for orders, customers, blog posts, and more.

In particular, Shopify product types help you filter your products.

They can also serve as a condition to include products in an automatic collection or for a menu.

Product tags are also recognized by your store’s navigation when a user looks for something in particular.

There are two caveats with product tags. First, they can be up to 255 characters long.

Second, you can have up to 250 tags on each of your products unless you use Shopify Plus.

Keep in mind, that these tags are invisible to users.

  • You can use meta fields instead of tags - they are up to 3x faster than tags and better for store organization but may require a bit more work to set up correctly on your end.

How to Customize Shopify Product Pages with Advanced Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basic texts, images, tags, and collections, you’re ready to dive even deeper into Shopify product pages.

In this section, you’ll find information about:

  • Shopify Metafields

  • Shopify Product Recommendations

  • Custom Text Fields and Videos

  • Color Swatches and Drop-down menus

  • Product Page Layout and Design

Utilizing Shopify Metafields for Enhanced Product Information

Shopify Metafields are special fields that let you add extra info to your products, like part numbers, colors, launch dates, and more.

They're key for a few reasons:

  • Customization: They help you make your store fit your business better than the basic Shopify setup.

  • SEO: They hold info that's not shown in the store editor, which can boost your store's visibility online.

  • Organization: They keep your store's info neat by grouping similar details together.

  • Integration: They allow your store to work with other services without changing Shopify's main features.

In short, Metafields make your store more structured, customizable, and discoverable.

They allow you to extend your store’s functionality and appearance beyond Shopify’s built-in options.

If you need professional help to set up metafields or any other element in your Shopify store, reach out to our team.

Including Shopify product recommendations

A product recommendation section on your product page suggests more products in which your customer might be interested.

As discussed above, this is a great way to inspire upsells and cross-sells.

Product recommendations improve UX, customer retention & engagement, and increase your sales and revenue.

When setting up product recommendations you have two options - related products which can act as substitutes for your current product and complimentary products that go well in combination with it.

For example, if you’re selling leather shoes, you can offer socks, or a cleaning wax as compliments.

But you can also suggest other types of shoes as related products.

Figuring out which product recommendations will work best is no easy task.

You can either do them manually and carry out A/B tests or leverage Shopify’s data-driven algorithm for automatic recommendations.

Here are some best practices to consider for product recommendations:

  1. Select product recommendations that you believe will be valuable to customers.

  2. Pick items that complement the original product well.

  3. Opt for products that are either cheaper or similarly priced to the original item.

  4. Combine your personalized recommendations with the system's automatic suggestions, which adapt based on product updates and customer behavior. This ensures that recommendations remain available, especially if your chosen items are out of stock or no longer listed.

  5. Adjust your theme settings to show the desired number of product recommendations.

Adding Video to Your Shopify Product Page

A common thread in e-commerce is the rise of videos. They are effective in educating your customers and showing your products in action, thus increasing your sales.

However, there is a caveat. Conversions require speed but videos can significantly slow down your site.

Thus, a best practice is to have your videos hosted on a 3-rd party platform like YouTube. This way they don’t slow down your site as much.

Yet, copying YouTube URLs brings two new problems - your video might not be responsive to your page design and secondly, YouTube can include other video recommendations which can completely distract your customers and hamper your conversions. 

Implementing Shopify Color Swatches and Drop-Down Menus

Color swatches and drop-down menus are two of the most popular ways to present your product variants. While color swatches have a more niche use regarding colors, drop-down menus allow you to present any product variant you desire.

Color swatches and drop-down menus help you improve the shopping experience for your customers by adding a layer of product customization.

It’s worth noting that not every theme supports color swatches and drop-down menus.

Thus the method for implementing them will be different depending on your theme. If your theme does support them, then it’s just a matter of setting them up.

If they are unsupported you have two options - use an app from the Shopify store, or code your own using your theme settings.

However, coding will require a sophisticated Shopify developer skillset. Thus, it might be better to consider an app like Swatches Dotify or GLO Color Swatch.

Reach out to our team for professional Shopify development services.

Customizing Shopify Product Page Layouts

On Shopify, it is possible to customize the layout of your product pages and make them different from each other.

This is helpful when you have different types of products. For example, socks will require less information than shoes and can follow a different outline.

One way you can customize your product page layout is through creating product page templates.

Implementing marketing strategies on your product page to increase sales

In this section, we will focus specifically on some of the actions you can take to implement marketing techniques on your Shopify store to increase your sales.

In this section:

  • Using Discounts, Promotions, and Limited-Time Offers

  • Implementing Upselling and Cross-Selling on Product Pages

  • Techniques for Showcasing Product Bundles and Subscriptions

Discounts, Promotions, and Limited-Time Offers

Offering discounts is one of the oldest marketing tricks to incentivize more purchases. On Shopify you can have various types of discounts:

  • Buy X get Y

  • Get free shipping

  • Get an amount off your product or order

These discounts can be automatic or you can set them up through discount codes.

You can further limit the usage of these discounts per person and set an expiry date for them so you add a sense of urgency.

Use discounts and promos strategically:

  • Give free shipping above a certain amount to incentivize AOV

  • Discount products that you need to get rid of (not storewide sale )

  • Give X off when users provide you with an email address to monetize it later.

Apart from discount codes, you can manually set promotional prices. This way, customers see the old price and the new discounted price. If it’s a limited-time sale you can add a metafield that clarifies the deadline.

Upselling and Cross-Selling on Product Pages

Upselling is about enticing customers to spend more money to get a better version of a product or a superior alternative to that product.

Cross-selling is about offering complimentary products that go well with the initial product.

On Shopify, you get options to upsell and cross-sell before and after a product purchase.

Traditionally, before purchase, a customer would browse products and find complimentary or substitute products in the product recommendation section.

However, you can also promote more products after the initial purchase through thank you and survey pages, offering discounts on future purchases, free shipping, upgrades, or something else.

You can get creative with your extra offerings and make them fit your industry.

You can offer matching pieces, complimentary maintenance services, guarantees, and more. If possible, you can also create a subscription option.

In every case, it’s a good idea to continually test what customers respond to better and improve your offers based on the data you’ve collected.

Product Bundles

Bundles are usually a set of two or more related products, typically sold at a discount.

Bundles are great for your store because they:

  • Boost your Average Order Value

  • Drive visibility to your products

  • Provide added value to your customers

  • Inform customers about discounts

  • Help you remove old inventory

You can offer different bundle types. 

  • A fixed bundle is predetermined by you and always offers the same products.

  • A multipack bundle offers a larger quantity of the same product at a discount.

  • A mix-and-match bundle is made of interchangeable products and variants, which the customer can choose. 

Looking to set up bundles on your store? Contact craftberry for professional Shopify development services.


Subscriptions allow you to sell products on a recurring basis.

Subscriptions are great for your store because they: 

  • Improve customer experience over the long term

  • Increase your recurring revenue

  • Strengthen customer loyalty

With a Subscriptions app like Skio, Recharge, Apstle, or Shopify’s subscription app, you can:

  • Set up subscriptions that automatically bill on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

  • Adjust, postpone, halt, and terminate subscription agreements and plans.

  • Offer discounts on subscription items, either as a fixed amount, a percentage off, or at a specific price point.

  • Incorporate a subscription widget into your online storefront.

  • Show subscription information on the product, shopping cart, and order confirmation pages.

  • Dispatch email alerts to customers regarding their subscription purchases.

  • Access and review data on active, on-hold, and discontinued subscriptions.

However, keep in mind that there are multiple caveats to Shopify subscriptions, which you can check out in the Shopify Help Center.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Shopify Product Pages

SEO is essential for any e-commerce store if they wish to be discovered on search engines like Google.

The good news is that if you’ve already optimized your page for great UX, you’ve already set the foundation for your SEO too.

Loading speed, customer experience, responsive design, and mobile-friendly sites are all important for SEO.

Best Practices for Product Page SEO

  1. Use Keywords in the right places: Your product page should include relevant keywords that potential customers might use when searching for your products.

    The most important places for keywords are: the URL, the page title (also known as meta title or SEO title), the meta description, headings, alt-tags, and main body texts.

  2. Carry out keyword research: use SEO tools like Google Trends, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to discover keyword volumes, difficulty, and competition.

  3. Write Unique and Valuable Product Titles and Descriptions: don’t just use the manufacturer’s descriptions and titles.

    Put your brand’s spin on it and make it unique to avoid duplicate content issues.

  4. Use LSI Keywords in your descriptions and main body text: Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) are variations or related terms to your main keyword, which help search engines understand the context better.

  5. Use High-Quality Product Images with descriptive alt-tags: Visual elements are crucial for SEO and open a new channel for your store to get discovered - Google Images.

    Ensure your images are high-quality and their file names and alt texts have relevant keywords.

  6. Ensure your store is optimized for mobile: Your online store should be fully optimized for mobile, regardless if you’re into SEO or not.

    Mobile traffic continues to surpass desktop traffic and Google rewards mobile-friendly sites for it.

  7. Ensure your page loading speed is fast: Google penalizes poorly performing websites and will not show your site to as many visitors if your page speed is poor.

  8. Include Structured Data Markup: Use schema.org markup to provide search engines with detailed product information.

    This can enhance your appearance in search results with rich snippets.

  9. Include real customer reviews on your product pages: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your product pages and third-party sites.

    Reviews can improve your credibility and attract more traffic.

  10. Build links to your relevant product pages: Acquire high-quality backlinks to your product pages from reputable sites in your industry.

    This can significantly boost your page's authority and rankings.

Analyzing and Improving Product Page Performance

It doesn’t matter how many features you include in your product page. If you don’t have a way to get feedback, you’ll never know what works and what doesn’t.

That’s why it’s crucial to set up analytical tools to monitor your product page performance and tweak it when necessary.

Using Analytical Tools to Understand Customer Behavior

When it comes to analytical tools, every Shopify store comes with built-in analytics where you can find detailed reports about all of your operations, orders, sales clients, and more.

One of the most powerful metrics of your product page effectiveness is the ‘Add to Cart’.

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Yet, you can take your intelligence efforts even further and implement heatmaps or screen recordings.

For example, heatmap tools like Hotjar allow you to see where your users click on their screens with pixel-perfect accuracy.

However, it’s common practice to integrate Google Analytics 4 in your store, to get reports with multiple metrics about users interacting with each page.

Screen recordings and heatmaps allow you to see exactly how users are interacting with your site, if they are completing the actions you want, or if they get distracted along the way.

A/B Testing and Price Testing

To see impactful results, A/B testing is recommended for brands with over 20k monthly unique visitors.

A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two variations of a web page, email, or other digital asset to see which version inspires more user interactions.

Price testing works in a similar fashion - you compare how the product sells at a different price.

The concept of testing is simple, but successfully implementing it and continuously improving your store can take a lot of your resources.

There are hundreds if not thousands of elements that you can test on your store.

It’s up to you which hypothesis you want to test.

That’s why, we recommend an intelligence app like Intelligems.

With it, you can streamline all of your analytical processes and carry out insight-revealing campaigns.

Looking for an agency that can execute A/B tests and improve your store?

Monitoring and Adjusting Based on Sales Data

While A/B tests are concerned mostly with conversions, dwell time, and other page-level metrics and UX indicators, sales analytics looks at your store from a business angle.

You get to dive into sales data, trends, and metrics that help you predict future sales outcomes.

Some of the most important sales metrics that you should be paying attention to include: 

  • Average order value: the average amount that shoppers are spending when they purchase from your shop.

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): how much money does a particular customer spend with your company over their entire relationship cycle with you?

  • Sales growth: How well are your sales doing compared to a different time period? 

  • Product performance: How individual products are performing and selling? 

  • Lead conversion rate: How many of your leads convert into customers? 

  • Sell-through rate: How much of your inventory are you able to successfully sell?

  • Sales funnel performance: How successful is your sales funnel at every customer interaction?

  • Sales pipeline performance: How fast do people transition from visitors to buyers? 

Each of these metrics can give you insights on how to improve your overall business strategy. In most cases, you get these metrics directly from your product pages.

That’s why it’s important to have an efficient tracking set in place. 

Leveraging Shopify Apps for Enhanced Product Page Functionality

Making your product pages optimized for UX, SEO, and conversions involves a series of tasks.

For each of them, there is a Shopify App you can use from the Shopify store. Although not mandatory, they can make your life as a merchant easier.

Product page builder apps

These apps offer tools to customize and enhance your page-building experience behind the scenes. Access advanced layouts and interactive elements to improve UX and engagement with zero code.

Here are three page builder apps that are worth checking out:

Product recommendation apps

These apps analyze customer behavior to suggest relevant products that are most likely to interest the shopper.

Here are three product recommendation apps you can check out:

Color-swatch apps

Color-swatch apps allow customers to view product variants in visual swatches instead of dropdown menus, making it easier to choose colors and textures.

Here are three color-swatch apps you can check out: 

Subscription and Loyalty program apps

These apps enable you to offer subscription services encouraging repeat business and building a loyal customer base through incentives.

Here are three subscription and loyalty apps you can check out: 

Loyalty program apps

These apps encourage customer loyalty and repeat business by offering exclusive perks to members. 

Here are three loyalty program apps you can check out:

Bundle apps

These apps let you sell products in combinations or bundles at a discounted rate.

Here are three bundle apps you can check out: 

A/B testing apps

These apps allow you to test different versions of your store's pages to optimize user experience and conversion rates. You also get insights into your store's performance.

Here are three A/B testing apps you can check out: 

Review apps

These apps facilitate collecting, managing, and displaying customer reviews on your product pages, leveraging social proof to enhance trust and encourage purchases.

Here are three review apps you can check out: 

Five Shopify product page examples to get inspired from


Pepper is a fast-growing female bra and underwear company.

The reason why we love this page is that it hits so many of the points we discussed above.

You can see in action:

  • Free shipping for orders over x amount

  • Sticky Add to Cart button

  • Immediately visible product reviews for social proof

  • Color Swatches

  • Size-based variants

  • Free returns and exchanges

  • Option to pay in installments with Klarna

  • Detailed product description with an emphasis on sustainability ethos

  • Pairing recommendations combined with discounted bundles

  • FAQ section

  • Detailed customer reviews section


Glowforge is one of the best 3d printer companies. Their products are much more expensive and logic-driven.

Here’s what you can find on their product page:

  • Discounted sales price

  • Product upsell

  • Buy now, pay over time option

  • Estimated delivery date

  • Product highlights and dimensions

  • Detailed info-heavy feature descriptions

  • Product warranty details

  • Customer reviews

  • FAQ section

3. Innermost

Innermost is a science-based natural supplements company.

You can see in action:

  • Number of customer reviews

  • Loyalty Program

  • Subscription option

  • Email option discount

  • Product features descriptions

  • Product benefit descriptions

  • Product Variants

  • Detailed Customer Reviews

  • Related Products

  • Live Chat

4. Magic Molecule

Magic Molecule is an all-over healing solution for cuts, zits, burns, dry skin, and more.

The magic ingredient? Hypochlorous acid.

Here’s what you can see on their product page:

  • Number of customer reviews

  • Free shipping for orders over x amount

  • Size Chart

  • In-stock badge

  • Easy returns 

  • Customer reviews 

  • Informative FAQ page

5. Nicole Rose

Nicole Rose is a company that sells personalizable high-end gold jewelry.

Here’s what features you can see on their product page:

  • Number of customer reviews and ratings

  • Option to pay in installments

  • Color Swatcher 

  • Product Variants by Size

  • Product ‘in stock’ status

  • Text field for customization by user initials  

  • Consent form for production time

  • Descriptions of product features, benefits, and uses

  • Descriptions of sustainability ethos and benefits

  • Customer Reviews

  • FAQ section

  • Related products section

craftberry crafted all of these product pages. Is yours next? Contact our team.


In this article, we discussed everything you need to know to create a killer product page on Shopify.

We talked about the fundamental building blocks of product pages, then we talked about basic and advanced ways you can implement them.

We followed this up with advice on how to use these building blocks for your marketing, analytics, and SEO.

Finally, we discussed tools that can help you and sources you can use to draw inspiration for your next product page.

If you are looking for help with implementing any of the techniques we discussed in this article, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for a free consultation.

Discover the best Shopify product page examples.

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Preslav Nikov

With a decade of of e-commerce experience, Preslav, CEO of Craftberry, produces informative content. His writing focuses on practical insights and strategies in the e - commerce, aimed at helping professionals and businesses in the industry.

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