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Shopify Experts

Hire Top Shopify Experts from a Certified Shopify Agency - Certified Shopify Experts

Certified Shopify Agency

December 29, 2023Author: Preslav Nikov9 min read
Hire top Shopify Developers, Shopify experts, Shopify designers

Creating a Shopify store from scratch can be a daunting task but the right talent can help you overcome it with ease.

However, finding, choosing, and hiring experts online is often confusing. And that’s exactly what the Shopify Expert Certification program helps you with.

It's all about finding vetted experts and Shopify agencies that can make your E-commerce dreams come true.

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Certified Shopify Experts. Why do you need them, where to find them, and how to choose them wisely? So let’s dive right in!

Hire Top Shopify Experts from a Certified Shopify Agency -  Certified Shopify Experts Badge

What are the benefits of using Certified Shopify Experts?

Choosing someone to maintain and grow your Shopify store is the equivalent of putting your brand’s face and reputation in their hands. So, you better make sure they know what they’re doing. Working with people who have been certified by Shopify is a good starting point.

Certified Shopify Experts bring a wealth of experience

It’s hard to put a value on something as intangible as experience.

It generally allows you to:

  • Move faster

  • Think smarter

  • Have fewer costs

  • Have a higher ROI.

The drawback is that good talent can increase your upfront costs. However, they make up for it, especially in higher-end projects.

Certified Shopify Experts help your store stand out

Nowadays, design templates and drag-and-drop website builders are a beginner’s best friend. They help many people lower their costs and establish their online stores quickly.

However, this also means that clients are less likely to be impressed with websites off the assembly line.

Certified Shopify Experts can take your store to the next level through customizations and a design that’s tailored to your products.

Certified Shopify Experts are there when you need them

Having a reliable Shopify partner who can provide technical support around the clock is hugely important.

Technical issues can arise at the worst of moments like product launches and sales campaigns.

That’s why you should always have someone covering the technical side of things.

Certified Shopify Expert developers provide top-tier quality assurance

Working with a Certified Shopify Expert developer or agency usually means that they will pay a lot of attention to quality assurance. They’ll test every feature and integration to make sure they work as intended.

And they work to provide a consistently great customer experience across all devices and browsers. This way they limit errors and maximize the performance of your online store.

How do Shopify Experts become certified and why does that matter?

Shopify-certified service providers are acknowledged for their skills and dedication by Shopify itself.

Shopify’s certification program ensures that experts are up to speed with the latest features, tools, and best practices.

The Shopify Experts Certification Program

The Shopify Expert Certification Program includes courses, exams, and practical assessments. Overall, the vetting process is strict and validates the skills and expertise of those who complete it.

What are the exact requirements to become certified as a Shopify Expert?

1. Having a Shopify Partner account

Step one is to create a Shopify partner account for free.

2. Successful completion of Shopify Partner Academy courses

Step two is to complete the Shopify Partner Academy courses. They include topics like platform fundamentals, features, tools, design, web development, and marketing.

3. Work on at least five live Shopify projects

Step three is to work on at least five Shopify projects with tasks related to the design, development, or marketing of the Shopify stores.

4. Positive client feedback

Step four is to get positive feedback from clients, as a testament to your skills in action.

5. A passing score on the Shopify Expert Certification Exam

The fifth and final step is to complete the Shopify Expert Certification Exam. It tests the knowledge of the candidates about the platform. Moreover, it challenges them to prove their ability to design, develop, and promote Shopify stores.

What is the difference between a ‘Certified Shopify Expert’ and an official Shopify Plus Partner?

Anyone who passes the above five steps can become a Certified Shopify Expert. However, a Shopify Plus Partner refers to a set of hand-picked agencies.

They must have a proven track record of working with high volumes of sales for enterprise-level businesses.

Their Plus Partner status brings them exclusive access to educational and training resources directly from Shopify.

Moreover, they get priority support from industry-leading agencies and technology providers.

Overall, Shopify Plus Partners have a much deeper understanding of the platform than regular Shopify Experts.

What’s the best place to find a Certified Shopify Expert?

Word of Mouth Referrals

Often enough, referrals from people you know are the most trustworthy source when it comes to finding Shopify Experts.

Ideally, you should ask business owners or managers within your professional network. Prioritize those who have launched successful Shopify stores.

They likely have a shortlist of talent and can help you get a warm introduction.

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the old reliable options.

They can be very effective for finding all sorts of people. LinkedIn can be surprisingly effective for finding Shopify Expert professionals.

It shows information such as professional background, references, skill endorsements, and network connections.

Facebook groups are also still effective for finding just about any expert you’re looking for. Freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr have many features that make hiring easy.

These include escrow payments and systems to resolve disputes. This adds a level of safety for you and the freelancers.

Moreover, they host plenty of professionals so you can sort them by price, skill, or customer feedback and browse their portfolios.

Social Media: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are the old reliable options.

They can be very effective for finding all sorts of people.

LinkedIn can be surprisingly effective for finding Shopify Expert professionals.

It shows information such as professional background, references, skill endorsements, and network connections.

Facebook groups are also still effective for finding just about any expert you’re looking for.

Freelance Platforms: Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr

Freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr have many features that make hiring easy.

These include escrow payments and systems to resolve disputes. This adds a level of safety for you and the freelancers.

Moreover, they host plenty of professionals so you can sort them by price, skill, or customer feedback and browse their portfolios.

Shopify Partner Program

Shopify’s official website has a directory of Shopify developers, designers, marketers, and affiliates. They all have a proven track record of working on Shopify-related projects.

Shopify partners have advantages over regular freelancers. They have access to Shopify’s latest tools and resources and you can sort them by expertise and location.

Shopify Experts Marketplace, now called Shopify Partner Directory

Last but not least comes the Shopify Experts Marketplace. It’s Shopify’s solution to the talent acquisition problem and represents the most direct way to find Certified Shopify Experts.

The platform allows you to browse profiles, view past work, and read reviews from other Shopify store owners. Inside it, you will find the vetted cream of the crop when it comes to Shopify developers, designers, and marketers.

As of October 2023, Shopify Experts Marketplace is being replaced by the Shopify Partner Directory. The direction of changes involves easier ways for clients to find relevant service providers and to have less administrative costs.

Moreover, off-platform communication and invoicing are the new trends. Overall, Shopify aims to provide opportunities for clients and service providers to connect in a seamless way.

What professionals can you find in the Shopify Experts Marketplace | Shopify Partner Directory?

Development, design, and marketing are the three pillars of a successful Shopify store. To that end, the Shopify Experts Marketplace helps you to easily find all the professionals you need.

Shopify SEO and Marketing Experts

Marketers and SEO specialists excel in driving traffic to your Shopify store and in helping you monetize it.

Usually, they do it through a combination of methods that involve paid ads and organic content that make your website seen by a wider audience.

Shopify Design Experts

Designers are instrumental in crafting a visually pleasing and user-friendly website. They follow the best UI/UX practices and create unique themes and design elements.

Designers ensure your customers enjoy an aesthetically seamless shopping experience.

Shopify E-commerce Website Experts

Shopify website experts know the ins and outs of the platform. They can assist with implementing advanced features and integration.

Shopify E-commerce Experts can help improve the site navigation and the checkout process and provide technical support over time.

Shopify Store Setup Experts

Shopify Store Setup Experts are all about getting your online store up and running.

They are experienced in handling the initial setup of your store. This includes product uploads, payment gateway setup, and domain configuration.

Overall, they ensure your store has a solid foundation and can start selling and growing as quickly as possible.

Shopify Migration Experts

There are a few technical caveats if you already have a store and want to move it to the Shopify platform. However, dedicated Shopify Migration Experts can ensure your transition goes smoothly.

This includes safely transferring your product data, customer information, and order history. Moreover, you are less likely to lose data or SEO rankings in Google.

Dedicated Shopify Migration Experts can ensure your store transition goes smoothly.

Shopify Expert Agencies

Shopify agencies cover all the abovementioned services. They typically consist of teams of professionals who can handle every aspect of Shopify’s ecosystem.

Bringing all services under one roof boosts communication and efficiency. Moreover, agencies are better able to handle enterprise-level projects.

Check Craftberry out, if you’re looking for a Shopify Expert Agency.

How to hire a Shopify Expert that’s right for you?

Find out what they cost you

Transparent pricing is always a good sign when choosing a Shopify Expert to work with.

However, rates can vary wildly depending on the expert’s location, experience, and complexity of your project.

Moreover, some experts prefer to charge hourly, while others offer fixed fees.

Understand the deadlines they work with

The best professionals are always in high demand. That’s why it’s important to discuss potential timelines.

Especially if your project has time-sensitive launches or campaigns. You want to ensure the expert’s ability to meet your deadlines.

Always ask them to provide you with a realistic estimate for project milestones and deliverables.

Check out their reviews and reputation

It’s always a good idea to read reviews and look out for feedback on the experts’ work quality, communication, and problem-solving skills. A strong record with positive reviews is a promising sign of a credible partner.

Learn about their past projects that are similar to yours

Vendors who have experience in projects that are similar to yours can be a huge asset. They take the guesswork out of the equation and take care of all the small details for you, leaving you free to focus on the big picture.

See if they organize webinars, workshops, and community events

While it’s not a necessity, an expert’s involvement in the broader Shopify community is a good sign of commitment. Moreover, organizing community events requires knowledge of the latest trends and best practices.

Summary on finding and hiring Certified Shopify Experts

Certified Shopify Experts are professionals who have gone past Shopify’s vetting process. They can be individual freelancers or entire agencies.

Usually, they specialize in at least one area of expertise, including design, development, or marketing.

Overall, they are instrumental in helping you set up your Shopify store, especially if you are doing it for the first time.

You can find them in many places, but one of the best sources is the Shopify Partner Directory.

See also: Shopify Pricing Plans and Fees in 2024

If you’re looking for an agency-level solution, you can check out Craftberry’s Shopify Expert Services.

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Preslav Nikov

With a decade of of e-commerce experience, Preslav, CEO of Craftberry, produces informative content. His writing focuses on practical insights and strategies in the e - commerce, aimed at helping professionals and businesses in the industry.

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